A downloadable tool

Flocking behaviour modelled using location, velocity, acceleration, and perception.

Built as a code Kata with the intent of improving my vector math skillz and increasing my experience with the openFrameworks C++ creative coding toolkit.

Source Code

The full C++ source available on Github: stungeye/oF-Boids-Anew

Code is released to the public domain.

Movement in Nature

Boids exhibit flocking behaviours in groups according to the Rules of Reynolds: The Perception and Control of Separation, Alignment, Cohesion.

This code was inspired by the Autonomous Agents / Steering Behaviour Chapter in Daniel Shiffman's book The Nature of Code.

I've coded boids before, including a Ruby version and a Processing version.

Tags2D, boids, openframeworks, Prototype
Code licenseUnlicense
Average sessionA few seconds


Boids-StungEye-Win10x64.zip 21 MB

Install instructions

Application was built for x64 Windows 10.

Unzip and run: BoidsAnew.exe

If app doesn't work, run VC_redist.x64.exe to install the MS Visual Studio redistributable files.

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